A passion for producing work that makes the world a better place.
Hybrid mind bringing culture, brands & citizens together.
The Future of Sustainability
Role: Research, Creative Idea, Copywriting, Storyboard and Creative Direction.
Channels: Website + Socials.
Brief: To put a stake in the ground and communicate our brand's position.
Leave Nothing Behind
Role: Work with the creative team to develop direction, storyboard, soundscape.
Channel: Website, Socials + Sales Collateral
Brief: To give audiences a closer look at our compostable materials
Packaging Built Better
Role: Research, Strategy, Comms Plan, Creative Idea, Creative Development, Copywriting, Product Ads, Press Releases, Social Content, Landing Page, SEO, Thought Leadership Content & Utility Content.
Brief: To develop a GTM plan and creative for the launch of Blueprint.
Primary landing page Blueprint
Blueprint landing page for Coffee Industry
Simplifying sustainability - educational content article: Sustainability Metrics
Made with Nature
Project: A global collaborative partnership to launch the "Ozlucent" concept sneaker by Mr Bailey x Adidas Originals. Mycelium Packaging developed by Magical Mushroom Company (UK) and the plant-based amniotic sac by Grounded.
Press 1. FutureVVorld
Press 2. The Dieline
Channel: Blog + Socials.
Brief: Develop utility content to aid businesses when exploring packaging design.
View article
Measure What Matters
Channel: Blog + Socials.
Brief: To develop educational content that aid audiences understand the metrics that businesses should be evaluating when changing packaging materials.
Deadly Sounds
Role: Strategy and Creative idea.
Brief: To drive home the message about being aware of everyday sounds that could be deadly.
Insight: You’d be surprised just how damaging small objects are.
Idea: Juxtapose how even the smallest objects can be deadly to our hearing. By comparing what appear to be low impact sounds with what are clearly how decibel noises.
Woeful Speech Bubbles
Role: Creative strategy.
Brief: With Winter fast approaching, we needed to remind NZers the benefit of Throaties Lozenges. The challenge is that it needs to be delivered via a specific channel with a limited budget.
Insight: Throaties are for people in desperate need of a voice.
Idea: What would happen to Indiana Jones? A hero? A stranded victim if they lost their voice? The answer is voice bubbles that are woefully inadequate.
Democratising Art
Role: Creative idea.
Brief: To create a piece of art to accompany the launch event of Dexus’ new building 100 Mount St.
Idea: Murmurations. An interactive art piece that allowed the user to control the art.
Celebrating the underdog
Role: Strategy.
Background: Once New Zealand's favourite chocolate bar, Moro had slipped down the rankings due to its energy positioning being eclipsed by energy drinks.
Insight: Our target were tired of being lied to, misled by false claims that a chocolate bar could deliver. So, we decided to take an honest approach and celebrated its new found underdog status.
Idea: Go Fourth. We set about to celebrate those that gave things a go and if they came fourth we made it extra special.
Results: Sales catapulted the brand from #4 to #1.
Rethink Small
Role: Strategy.
Brief: We needed to challenge the long held perception that big cars are more powerful than VW Golfs.
Insight: Golf’s are just as powerful and cool as the big cars without the huffery and puffery. Challenge NZers to Rethink small cars?
Idea: Rethink Power. Juxtapose Golfs in front of paintings of vehicles renowned for being cool and powerful.
Superfans to the rescue
Role: Strategy.
Brief: During the maelstrom of the pandemic BWS wanted to create a platform to showcase their love & support for local.
Problem: Messages of support local were everywhere. What local businesses (producers) needed was customers.
Idea: Are You A Local Luvva? A hyper-local campaign that enlisted ‘super fans’ to range their favourite drop in their local BWS.
Sales: Target 5% increase. Local products sales increased by 20% nationwide.
Pre campaign 25 - Post campaign 35 (highest ever)
Local Businesses Supported
300 local makers nationwide engaged
92 local brand integrated into ATL campaign
18 winners ranged in BWS stores across their State and 100’s more given visibility.
Role. Strategy + Creative Idea + Comms Plan
A better way
Role: Brand Development, Brand & Aesthetic Strategy, Brand & Comms Plan, Social and Campaign Monitoring & Optimising.
Brief: To create and launch the felix mobile brand. Positioned as a single mobile plan with strong eco credentials.
Insight: Delivering a reliable service or product shouldn’t be harmful or come at the cost of planet & others. Felix is good value with good values.
Idea: The Plan with a Bigger Plan. A campaign to highlight the telco’s social and environmental mission.
Perfect Pairing
Role: Strategy and Creative idea
Brief: OzHarvest challenged us to get more people to read the 2019 Annual Report. Problem is annual reports are boring. We needed to give our audience a reason to read it.
Idea: Recipes for Change. Turning the impact report into a cookbook. Matching recipes to each OzHarvest program, the bigger story begins to appear.